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L. Rodrigues (http://www.jsfromhell.com) // + parts by: Peter-Paul Koch (http://www.quirksmode.org/js/beat.html) // + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net) // + improved by: MeEtc (http://yass.meetcweb.com) // + improved by: Brad Touesnard // + improved by: Tim Wiel // + improved by: Bryan Elliott // // + improved by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // + improved by: David Randall // + input by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // + bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net) // + improved by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // + improved by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // + improved by: Theriault // + derived from: gettimeofday // + input by: majak // + bugfixed by: majak // + bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net) // + input by: Alex // + bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // + improved by: Theriault // + improved by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // + improved by: Theriault // + improved by: Thomas Beaucourt (http://www.webapp.fr) // + improved by: JT // + improved by: Theriault // + improved by: RafaƂ Kukawski (http://blog.kukawski.pl) // + bugfixed by: omid (http://phpjs.org/functions/380:380#comment_137122) // + input by: Martin // + input by: Alex Wilson // + bugfixed by: Chris (http://www.devotis.nl/) // % note 1: Uses global: php_js to store the default timezone // % note 2: Although the function potentially allows timezone info (see notes), it currently does not set // % note 2: per a timezone specified by date_default_timezone_set(). Implementers might use // % note 2: this.php_js.currentTimezoneOffset and this.php_js.currentTimezoneDST set by that function // % note 2: in order to adjust the dates in this function (or our other date functions!) accordingly // * example 1: date('H:m:s \\m \\i\\s \\m\\o\\n\\t\\h', 1062402400); // * returns 1: '09:09:40 m is month' // * example 2: date('F j, Y, g:i a', 1062462400); // * returns 2: 'September 2, 2003, 2:26 am' // * example 3: date('Y W o', 1062462400); // * returns 3: '2003 36 2003' // * example 4: x = date('Y m d', (new Date()).getTime()/1000); // * example 4: (x+'').length == 10 // 2009 01 09 // * returns 4: true // * example 5: date('W', 1104534000); // * returns 5: '53' // * example 6: date('B t', 1104534000); // * returns 6: '999 31' // * example 7: date('W U', 1293750000.82); // 2010-12-31 // * returns 7: '52 1293750000' // * example 8: date('W', 1293836400); // 2011-01-01 // * returns 8: '52' // * example 9: date('W Y-m-d', 1293974054); // 2011-01-02 // * returns 9: '52 2011-01-02' var that = this, jsdate, f, formatChr = /\\?([a-z])/gi, formatChrCb, // Keep this here (works, but for code commented-out // below for file size reasons) //, tal= [], _pad = function (n, c) { n = n.toString(); return n.length < c ? _pad('0' + n, c, '0') : n; }, txt_words = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tues", "Wednes", "Thurs", "Fri", "Satur", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; formatChrCb = function (t, s) { return f[t] ? f[t]() : s; }; f = { // Day d: function () { // Day of month w/leading 0; 01..31 return _pad(f.j(), 2); }, D: function () { // Shorthand day name; Mon...Sun return f.l().slice(0, 3); }, j: function () { // Day of month; 1..31 return jsdate.getDate(); }, l: function () { // Full day name; Monday...Sunday return txt_words[f.w()] + 'day'; }, N: function () { // ISO-8601 day of week; 1[Mon]..7[Sun] return f.w() || 7; }, S: function(){ // Ordinal suffix for day of month; st, nd, rd, th var j = f.j(), i = j%10; if (i <= 3 && parseInt((j%100)/10) == 1) i = 0; return ['st', 'nd', 'rd'][i - 1] || 'th'; }, w: function () { // Day of week; 0[Sun]..6[Sat] return jsdate.getDay(); }, z: function () { // Day of year; 0..365 var a = new Date(f.Y(), f.n() - 1, f.j()), b = new Date(f.Y(), 0, 1); return Math.round((a - b) / 864e5); }, // Week W: function () { // ISO-8601 week number var a = new Date(f.Y(), f.n() - 1, f.j() - f.N() + 3), b = new Date(a.getFullYear(), 0, 4); return _pad(1 + Math.round((a - b) / 864e5 / 7), 2); }, // Month F: function () { // Full month name; January...December return txt_words[6 + f.n()]; }, m: function () { // Month w/leading 0; 01...12 return _pad(f.n(), 2); }, M: function () { // Shorthand month name; Jan...Dec return f.F().slice(0, 3); }, n: function () { // Month; 1...12 return jsdate.getMonth() + 1; }, t: function () { // Days in month; 28...31 return (new Date(f.Y(), f.n(), 0)).getDate(); }, // Year L: function () { // Is leap year?; 0 or 1 var j = f.Y(); return j % 4 === 0 & j % 100 !== 0 | j % 400 === 0; }, o: function () { // ISO-8601 year var n = f.n(), W = f.W(), Y = f.Y(); return Y + (n === 12 && W < 9 ? 1 : n === 1 && W > 9 ? -1 : 0); }, Y: function () { // Full year; e.g. 1980...2010 return jsdate.getFullYear(); }, y: function () { // Last two digits of year; 00...99 return f.Y().toString().slice(-2); }, // Time a: function () { // am or pm return jsdate.getHours() > 11 ? "pm" : "am"; }, A: function () { // AM or PM return f.a().toUpperCase(); }, B: function () { // Swatch Internet time; 000..999 var H = jsdate.getUTCHours() * 36e2, // Hours i = jsdate.getUTCMinutes() * 60, // Minutes s = jsdate.getUTCSeconds(); // Seconds return _pad(Math.floor((H + i + s + 36e2) / 86.4) % 1e3, 3); }, g: function () { // 12-Hours; 1..12 return f.G() % 12 || 12; }, G: function () { // 24-Hours; 0..23 return jsdate.getHours(); }, h: function () { // 12-Hours w/leading 0; 01..12 return _pad(f.g(), 2); }, H: function () { // 24-Hours w/leading 0; 00..23 return _pad(f.G(), 2); }, i: function () { // Minutes w/leading 0; 00..59 return _pad(jsdate.getMinutes(), 2); }, s: function () { // Seconds w/leading 0; 00..59 return _pad(jsdate.getSeconds(), 2); }, u: function () { // Microseconds; 000000-999000 return _pad(jsdate.getMilliseconds() * 1000, 6); }, // Timezone e: function () { // Timezone identifier; e.g. Atlantic/Azores, ... // The following works, but requires inclusion of the very large // timezone_abbreviations_list() function. /* return that.date_default_timezone_get(); */ throw 'Not supported (see source code of date() for timezone on how to add support)'; }, I: function () { // DST observed?; 0 or 1 // Compares Jan 1 minus Jan 1 UTC to Jul 1 minus Jul 1 UTC. // If they are not equal, then DST is observed. var a = new Date(f.Y(), 0), // Jan 1 c = Date.UTC(f.Y(), 0), // Jan 1 UTC b = new Date(f.Y(), 6), // Jul 1 d = Date.UTC(f.Y(), 6); // Jul 1 UTC return ((a - c) !== (b - d)) ? 1 : 0; }, O: function () { // Difference to GMT in hour format; e.g. +0200 var tzo = jsdate.getTimezoneOffset(), a = Math.abs(tzo); return (tzo > 0 ? "-" : "+") + _pad(Math.floor(a / 60) * 100 + a % 60, 4); }, P: function () { // Difference to GMT w/colon; e.g. +02:00 var O = f.O(); return (O.substr(0, 3) + ":" + O.substr(3, 2)); }, T: function () { return 'UTC'; }, Z: function () { // Timezone offset in seconds (-43200...50400) return -jsdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60; }, // Full Date/Time c: function () { // ISO-8601 date. return 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:sP'.replace(formatChr, formatChrCb); }, r: function () { // RFC 2822 return 'D, d M Y H:i:s O'.replace(formatChr, formatChrCb); }, U: function () { // Seconds since UNIX epoch return jsdate / 1000 | 0; } }; this.date = function (format, timestamp) { that = this; jsdate = (timestamp === undefined ? new Date() : // Not provided (timestamp instanceof Date) ? new Date(timestamp) : // JS Date() new Date(timestamp * 1000) // UNIX timestamp (auto-convert to int) ); return format.replace(formatChr, formatChrCb); }; return this.date(format, timestamp); } jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { $('input[name="type[]"]').change(function () { if ($('input[name="type[]"]:checked').hasClass('filetype')) { $('.hasdests').show(); } else { $('.hasdests').hide(); } $( '#tab-jobtype-' + $(this).val().toLowerCase() ).toggle( ); }); if ($('input[name="type[]"]:checked').hasClass('filetype')) { $('.hasdests').show(); } else { $('.hasdests').hide(); } $('input[name="destinations[]"]').change(function () { $( '#tab-dest-' + $(this).val().toLowerCase() ).toggle( ); }); $('input[name="name"]').keyup(function () { $('#h2jobtitle').replaceWith('' + backwpup_htmlspecialchars( $(this).val() ) + ''); }); $('input[name="name"]').focus( function () { if ( $(this).val() == $(this).data( 'empty' ) ) { $(this).val( '' ); } }); $('input[name="name"]').blur( function () { if ( $(this).val() === '' ) { $(this).val( $(this).data( 'empty' ) ); } }); $('input[name="backuptype"]').change(function () { if ($(this).val() == 'sync') { $('.nosync').hide(); $('.sync').show(); } else { $('.nosync').show(); $('.sync').hide(); } }); if ($('input[name="backuptype"]:checked').val() == 'sync') { $('.nosync').hide(); $('.sync').show(); } else { $('.nosync').show(); $('.sync').hide(); } $('input[name="archivename"]').keyup(function () { var filename = $(this).val(); filename = filename.replace( '%hash%', '[hash]' ); filename = filename.replace( '%d', date( 'd' ) ); filename = filename.replace( '%j', date( 'j' ) ); filename = filename.replace( '%m', date( 'm' ) ); filename = filename.replace( '%n', date( 'n' ) ); filename = filename.replace( '%Y', date( 'Y' ) ); filename = filename.replace( '%y', date( 'y' ) ); filename = filename.replace( '%a', date( 'a' ) ); filename = filename.replace( '%A', date( 'A' ) ); filename = filename.replace( '%B', date( 'B' ) ); filename = filename.replace( '%g', date( 'g' ) ); filename = filename.replace( '%G', date( 'G' ) ); filename = filename.replace( '%h', date( 'h' ) ); filename = filename.replace( '%H', date( 'H' ) ); filename = filename.replace( '%i', date( 'i' ) ); filename = filename.replace( '%s', date( 's' ) ); filename = filename.replace( '[hash]', '%hash%' ); $('#archivefilename').replaceWith('' + backwpup_htmlspecialchars( filename ) + ''); }); $('input[name="archiveformart"]').change(function () { $('#archiveformart').replaceWith('' + $(this).val() + ''); }); }); {"id":1898,"date":"2024-09-12T14:21:12","date_gmt":"2024-09-12T14:21:12","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/association-education-sexualite.com\/?p=1898"},"modified":"2024-09-12T14:21:12","modified_gmt":"2024-09-12T14:21:12","slug":"free-spin-veren-siteler-100-bedava-donus-kazandiran-siteler","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/association-education-sexualite.com\/index.php\/2024\/09\/12\/free-spin-veren-siteler-100-bedava-donus-kazandiran-siteler\/","title":{"rendered":"Free Spin Veren Siteler +100 Bedava D\u00f6n\u00fc\u015f Kazand\u0131ran Siteler"},"content":{"rendered":"

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